
2024-06-12 18:24:18  阅读 66 次 评论 0 条




na.(=lost property)失物招领;失物招领处;天涯海角 例句 Theyll direct you to the Lost and Found department.他们会指引你到失物招领处。Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.失物招领广告纸莎草,常见于古希腊和古罗马。

lost and found 失物招领处 例句筛选 You may find your handbag at the Lost and Found.你也许可以在失物招领处找到你的手袋。Theyll direct you to the Lost and Found department.他们会指引你到失物招领处。

lost and found 失物招领 朋友以后想翻译可以直接去有道,很方便的,当时您就能知道什么意思。

你好。lost and found翻译成中文是:失而复得。———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

lost:遗失 and:和 found:找到,合起来表示:失而复得。


你好。lost and found翻译成中文是:失而复得。———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。



短语:Lost Property and found treatment 遗失物及寻获处理 the Lost and Found 失物招领处 ; 失物信 ; 物招领箱 ; 在失物招领处 Music lost and Found 荒岛音乐会 例句:My backpack is in the lost and found box.我的背包在失物招领处。

他喜出望外。The old man was exhilarated when his lost wallet blew back,into his hand.一个匿名电话导致被盗珠宝失而复得。An anonymous call lead to the recovery of the steal jewel.被大海淹没的三英亩土地又失而复得了。



na.(=lost property)失物招领;失物招领处;天涯海角 例句 Theyll direct you to the Lost and Found department.他们会指引你到失物招领处。Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.失物招领广告纸莎草,常见于古希腊和古罗马。

lost and found 失物招领处 例句筛选 You may find your handbag at the Lost and Found.你也许可以在失物招领处找到你的手袋。Theyll direct you to the Lost and Found department.他们会指引你到失物招领处。

lost and found 失物招领 朋友以后想翻译可以直接去有道,很方便的,当时您就能知道什么意思。

你好。lost and found翻译成中文是:失而复得。———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。


1、lost and found na.(=lost property)失物招领;失物招领处;天涯海角 例句 Theyll direct you to the Lost and Found department.他们会指引你到失物招领处。Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.失物招领广告纸莎草,常见于古希腊和古罗马。

2、lost:遗失 and:和 found:找到,合起来表示:失而复得。

3、lost and found 失物招领处 例句筛选 You may find your handbag at the Lost and Found.你也许可以在失物招领处找到你的手袋。Theyll direct you to the Lost and Found department.他们会指引你到失物招领处。

4、Lost n found 这个词组是英语中的缩写,它表示 Lost and Found,在中文中叫做 失物招领。这是一个在全球范围内广泛应用的服务,为人们寻回丢失的物品提供了便利,有着非常重要的意义。Lost n found 对于社会而言至关重要。首先,它提供了一个有效的渠道,让失主可以在丢失物品后寻求帮助。

5、你好。lost and found翻译成中文是:失而复得。———希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

6、lost and found 失物招领 朋友以后想翻译可以直接去有道,很方便的,当时您就能知道什么意思。


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